



同济大学中国战略研究院/政治与国际关系学院院长门洪华教授应邀出席论坛并在主旨演讲后的“金砖重塑的新形式” 第一议题代表中方作《稳步推进金砖重塑的原则与路径》的交流发言。门洪华院长指出,动荡变革与全球南方兴起为金砖扩员创造契机,金砖合作必须坚持独立自主、公平正义、合作共赢等价值追求和行动原则。确保新成员顺利融入金砖,需要从顶层设计、平台支撑、务实合作、文化熏陶、机制创新、外部环境塑造等方面入手,形成一套系统完整、环环相扣的行动方案。只要新老成员携手努力,以开放包容的姿态、创新进取的精神,稳步推进机制化建设,必将实现金砖国家扩员和深化合作的良性互动,共同开创金砖合作的崭新篇章。



Principles and Paths for BRICS Reshaping in Expansion Process

1. World Transformation and BRICS Expansion

First, world transformation and Global South rise create opportunities for BRICS expansion.

The world is undergoing profound transformations. The international balance of power is experiencing a deep adjustment, and major power competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The traditional unipolar pattern is facing challenges, and the world is gradually moving towards multipolarity. At the same time, world peace and development are facing severe challenges, and countries are increasingly emphasizing national security, with pan-securitization becoming a global phenomenon. Against this backdrop, Global South is rising, influence of emerging powers is increasing, and BRICS countries have undoubtedly become the backbone of maintaining world peace and stability.

BRICS expansion is a strategic measure taken in line with this historical trend. The inclusion of new members has greatly deepened BRICS cooperation, creating favorable conditions for BRICS to participate in global economic governance on a larger scale, at a higher level, and in greater depth. On the one hand, with the addition of new members, Big BRICS has further increased its share of key indicators such as economic volume, total population, enhancing the voice and influence of BRICS countries on the international stage. On the other hand, the diverse endowments brought by new members in terms of location, resources, and industries provide new opportunities to deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, building BRICS consensus, and solving global problems, helping BRICS play a key role in a wider range of areas.

At the same time, BRICS expansion also faces many challenges, especially the differences and diversities within BRICS due to different national conditions and demands, and the divergences among members in terms of foreign policy, cooperation priority, and national security. How to ensure the continuous deepening of BRICS cooperation and the continuous improvement of the mechanism maintaining BRICS' strategic determination, and promoting BRICS cooperation to a new level will be a major issue.

Second, I would like to talk about the pursuit of BRICS cooperation and the principles to uphold in expansion. One core mission of  BRICS  is to promote the reform and improvement of the global governance system and enhance the representativeness and voice of developing countries in international arena, which means that BRICS cooperation should adhere to the action principles of independence, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. First, independence is the soul of BRICS cooperation. BRICS cooperation should transcend differences in ideology and social systems, respect the right of member countries to independently choose their development paths, etc.. Second, fairness and justice are the foundations of BRICS cooperation, which means we oppose power politics, uphold the norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, actively promote the development of the international order and global governance system in a more just and reasonable direction, and jointly create a cooperative environment of mutual consultation, understanding, and inclusiveness. Third, win-win cooperation is the goal of BRICS cooperation. BRICS countries should promote pragmatic cooperation in various fields based on the principles of equal consultation and mutual benefit, making BRICS cooperation a grand stage for common development and prosperity and a model of South-South cooperation, contributing BRICS strength to promoting unity and self-improvement among developing countries and achieving common development. Entering a new stage of expansion, with the significant increase in the scale and member diversity of BRICS cooperation, it is even more important to firmly practice the above principles. We should always adhere to openness and inclusiveness, promote cooperation based on respecting differences and seeking common ground while reserving differences; pay more attention to balancing the demands of all parties and coordinating each other's interests, adhere to joint consultation, construction, and sharing, and advance the implementation of cooperation consensus in a flexible and pragmatic manner.

Third, I would like to talk about challenges faced by BRICS cooperation and the necessity of BRICS mechanism. The international situation has become more complex and severe, the intensified major power competition increases global risks, and the internal demands of member countries are more diverse, all of which have brought new tests to BRICS cooperation. From the internal perspective, with the increasing diversity of participants and interest demands, the coordination costs of BRICS cooperation are rising. There are obvious differences and divergences among member countries on many issues, country-specific risks, economic fluctuations, and other uncertain factors remain prominent, and the stability and coordination of BRICS cooperation are facing challenges.

To address the above challenges, the key is to provide long-term momentum and institutional guarantees for BRICS cooperation. the focus should be on the following aspects: First, improve the top-level design and strategic planning of BRICS cooperation. It is necessary to make overall plans for priority areas, key directions, and path measures to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. Specific measures include deepening dialogue and coordination mechanisms, improving financial cooperation mechanisms, promoting practical cooperation mechanisms such as digitalization, green and low-carbon development, and industrial and supply chains, and forming a multi-level, and multi-field cooperation structure. Second, promote the institutionalization of BRICS cooperation. It is necessary to formulate long-term rules and codes of conduct to clarify cooperation goals, principles, and methods. Strengthen the institutional guarantee for economic and trade, finance, science and technology and other fields, while maintaining openness and inclusiveness. Third, consolidate and deepen the BRICS partnership. In my view, strategic mutual trust is the political foundation of BRICS cooperation. In the face of international changes and their own diversity, the new BRICS needs to manage relations with each other from a strategic height, and pursue mutual benefit and win-win results. Fourth, develop the BRICS+ cooperation model. BRICS cooperation needs to be based on openness and inclusiveness and embrace the world with a more active attitude. BRICS countries should utilize multilateral mechanisms such as the G20, APEC, SCO, and Africa Union to expand the “circle of friends” and promote regional integration and sub-regional cooperation. Fifth, deepen practical cooperation in various fields. It is necessary to develop digital economy, accelerate the construction of new infrastructure, promote the application of new technologies such as big data, AI, and create new advantages in digital cooperation. Strengthen exchanges on low-carbon and renewable energy technologies and carry out cooperation in the fields of clean energy and sustainable development. Deepen cooperation in industrial and supply chains and maintain their stability. Strengthen cooperation in food security and enhance the capacity for sustainable agricultural development.

2. Ensure Smooth Integration of New Members

Expansion puts forward higher requirements on the operation efficiency and decision-making mechanism of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, and relevant working mechanisms need to be improved and perfected in a timely manner. Accordingly BRICS members should uphold the concept of mutual benefit and win-win results, strengthen internal communication and coordination, adopt flexible and pragmatic methods, and actively respond to challenges. Several key measures to ensure the smooth integration of new members into BRICS mechanism can mainly include the following aspects:

At the top-level, adhere to the determined expansion standards. Clarifying the basic principles and specific standards for the selection of new members helps build consensus among members and ensure that the selection process is carried out in a standardized and orderly manner. At the same time, adopting a gradual and pragmatic attitude and steadily advancing expansion will enhance sustainability of expansion decisions.

A gradual and pragmatic expansion attitude is conducive to stabilizing the expectations of member countries and creating a good environment for deepening cooperation. The principle of inclusive and open access will further expand the space for cooperation, attract more emerging market countries to actively participate, and enhance the vitality and influence of BRICS.

In terms of platform support, improve the BRICS+ cooperation model. BRICS+ is an important platform for radiating and driving emerging market countries to participate, and is a useful exploration to promote the expansion process of BRICS members. Continuing to hold dialogue platforms such as the “BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution” can build a bridge for potential new members to participate. In view of the differences among partner countries at different levels, we should explore diversified cooperation models in a country-specific manner, which will “tailor-make” paths for potential members to participate in cooperation, and improve pertinence and effectiveness. Supporting new members to take the lead in participating in BRICS practical cooperation can help them quickly become familiar with the operating rules, accumulate cooperation experience, and enhance mutual trust.

The continuous improvement of the “BRICS+” cooperation model will further enhance the radiating and driving effect of BRICS, and provide an institutionalized channel for wider emerging market countries to participate in cooperation under the BRICS framework. Differentiated “access channels” with strong pertinence and country-specific policies can effectively overcome the shortcomings of the “one-size-fits-all” model and accommodate the demands of new and old members. Encouraging new members to take the lead in participating in practical cooperation in various fields can help them quickly integrate into the BRICS family.

In cooperation practice, strengthen the alignment with the development strategies of new members. Taking the initiative to align with the development plans of new members and actively participating in cooperation in priority areas of concern to new members are key measures to promote the smooth integration of new members into BRICS. Finding the convergence points of each other's development strategies will help build a community of interests and consolidate the foundation for cooperation. Focusing on the key areas where new members urgently need breakthroughs and carrying out cooperation will enhance the sense of gain of new members’ participation in cooperation. Helping new members integrate into the BRICS cooperation mechanism in various fields and participate in major projects will promote the sharing of cooperation results and let new members fully feel the real benefits of joining BRICS.

Strengthening the alignment of development strategies is a practical and effective measure. By giving full play to respective comparative advantages to achieve complementary strengths, it will greatly expand the space for cooperation between new and old members. Focusing on the infrastructure connectivity, digital economy, and other key areas of concern to new members will enable new members to quickly integrate into the overall situation of cooperation. Guiding new members to deeply participate in cooperation in investment, trade, science and technology, and other fields, will enhance their initiative and enthusiasm to participate in BRICS affairs. Mutually beneficial and win-win practices will surely enhance new members' confidence in the prospects of BRICS cooperation.

In terms of identity, build an inclusive and pragmatic BRICS culture. Constructing an equal, inclusive, pragmatic and flexible cooperation culture is an inherent requirement for promoting the expansion process of BRICS members. Mr. Vyacheslav Nikonov talked about values this morning, he mentioned sovereignty, equality multiplicity, rule of international law, power of the people and rule of the people, freedom (country free from US domination), independence, justice and core consensus, and I think it’s illuminating. Upholding the concept of equal treatment, inclusiveness and mutual learning, and respecting each other's national conditions and development demands will eliminate new members' concerns. Improving the coordination and dialogue mechanism and building consensus on cooperation will enhance political mutual trust among member countries and clear obstacles for the steady promotion of expansion. Cultivating an atmosphere of people-to-people exchanges with the goal of connecting the people can lay a solid foundation for the expansion of public opinion. An inclusive cooperation culture will enhance the attractiveness and appeal of BRICS to new members.

An inclusive and pragmatic cooperation culture is the soft power to resolve differences and build consensus on cooperation.By strengthening policy communication and respecting the demands of new members, we can eliminate new members' doubts about integrating into BRICS. Improving the coordination and dialogue mechanism can timely resolve differences among member countries and create a good atmosphere for expansion. Carrying out people-to-people exchanges in various forms can promote the connection of people's hearts and build a social foundation for expansion. The concept of seeking common ground while reserving differences and gathering common understandings while resolving differences will guide new and old members to work together to address common challenges. An inclusive and pragmatic cooperation culture will become an important driving force for promoting the expansion process of BRICS members.

In terms of mechanism building, innovate cooperation methods. Practical and effective innovative measures will inject new impetus into promoting the smooth integration of new members. The establishment of a multilateral cooperation project library can accurately connect with the cooperation needs of new members and open up “the last mile” of project connection. Actively giving play to the role of financial cooperation platforms will provide strong financial support for new members to participate in BRICS cooperation. Digitalizing cooperation in various fields will comprehensively enhance the ability and willingness of new members to integrate into BRICS. By continuously innovating cooperation mechanisms, enriching cooperation connotations, and actively responding to the demands of new members, BRICS will surely radiate more vigorous vitality and constantly enhance its international influence.

In terms of the external environment, we should pay more attentions to the image of BRICS and strengthen the guidance of international public opinion. Actively carrying out international communication and telling the BRICS story well are important measures to expand BRICS' international influence and create a favorable external environment. Taking the initiative to publicize the results of BRICS cooperation and convey the positive image of win-win cooperation and responsible action will enhance the international community's recognition of BRICS. Strengthening communications with other international and regional organizations and striving for the support of the international community will clear external obstacles for the expansion process of BRICS members and create a good public opinion atmosphere. Vivid and lively case sharing will enhance the international community's recognition of BRICS cooperation. Eliminating misunderstandings about expansion, clarifying the positive significance of absorbing new members, and seeking the understanding and support of the international community for the expansion of BRICS members will be helpful. Strengthening strategic communication with other international and regional organizations will help BRICS play a greater constructive role in regional and international affairs. Creating a good external public opinion environment will provide strong support for advancing the expansion process and deepening BRICS cooperation.

3. Prospect of BRICS Expansion

Based on common but differentiated responsibilities, BRICS should uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness, adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results, follow the rhythm of steady progress, promote the mutual promotion of expansion and deepening cooperation, and achieve a moderate balance. The expansion of BRICS is meaningful, such as:   

Enhancing the representativeness and influence of BRICS members. The newly joined member countries are distributed in different regions such as Asia, Africa and Latin America, covering more developing countries, enabling BRICS members to represent a wider range of interests and play a greater role in global affairs, and promoting the development of international order in a more just and reasonable direction.

Expanding new areas of practical cooperation. New members bring opportunities for BRICS members to carry out broader economic, trade, financial, scientific, technological, and cultural cooperation. The resource endowments and industrial advantages of different countries each have their own characteristics. Through complementary advantages and mutual benefit and win-win results, it will help enhance the overall competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities of BRICS members.

Building consensus among developing countries. BRICS members can gather more countries with similar demands through expansion, which is conducive to forming a unified position on global challenges such as climate change, poverty reduction, and food security, promoting developed countries to assume more responsibilities, and striving for more development rights and interests for developing countries.

Improving the cooperation mechanism of BRICS members. BRICS members need to further improve relevant mechanisms, such as promoting the BRICS+ cooperation model, building a more flexible and open partner network; establishing a permanent secretariatto provide necessary organizational and logistical support for cooperation in various fields; establishing a dispute settlement mechanism to properly resolve differences among member countries.

Promoting the reform of the global governance system. BRICS members should give full play to their collective influence, promote the reform of the existing global governance mechanism, and improve the representativeness and voice of emerging markets and developing countries.

 At the same time, we should uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness, carry out dialogue and cooperation with other countries and regional organizations, and contribute BRICS solutions to improving global governance.

From the long-term development strategy of BRICS members, moderate expansion contains huge opportunities. Expansion will strongly promote the upgrading of the BRICS mechanism and lead the cooperation of emerging market countries into a new stage, greatly improving the ability and level of BRICS members to participate in global governance. The standards for new members should include such considerations: economic potential and influences, geo-political representativesrepresentatives for Asia, Africa, Latin America and other Global South countries; its influence in regional or even global arena,  etc. , adhering to common political values such as multilateralism, inclusiveness, capability and willingness to participate.     

In the future, a BRICS cooperation mechanism with more members, stronger representativeness and higher inclusiveness will become a backbone force to promote world peace and development.

Through top-level strategic planning, mechanism and institutional building, and partnership consolidation, deepening and expanding BRICS cooperation will further build consensus and enhance development synergy, which will help the BRICS  mechanism better play a leading role, promote win-win cooperation among emerging economies, advance the reform of the global governance system, and contribute to the strong recovery and sustainable development of the world economy.

4. China's Role in BRICS Expansion

China has always actively participated in and promoted BRICS cooperation from a strategic height. China has played an intellectual key role many times, forming a series of cooperation concepts, goals, and paths with BRICS characteristics, pointing out the general direction and injecting new momentum for BRICS cooperation.

Looking to the future, China will continue to play a key role in BRICS cooperation.

First, China will play a key role in promoting top-level design of BRICS cooperation. Actively advocate BRICS common positions on important multilateral occasions such as the UN and the G20, promote the formation of more BRICS cooperation consensus, and inject new momentum into deepening the BRICS strategic partnership. At the same time, the Chinese side will continue to play a coordinative role, enhance political mutual trust, and consolidate the foundation of cooperation.

Second, China will promote the institutionalization of BRICS cooperation. The Chinese side could explore the establishment of long-term mechanisms such as an interest coordination mechanism and a cooperation project evaluation system among BRICS countries, and promote the formation of a set of effective BRICS cooperation rule systems to provide institutional guarantees for cooperation in various fields. With the headquarters of the New Development Bank located in China, the Chinese side should take this as an opportunity to support its development and expansion and continuously deepen BRICS financial cooperation.

Third, China will deepen and expand BRICS+ cooperation with an open and inclusive attitude. As the largest developing country, China has the responsibility and ability to promote South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue. It is necessary to build platforms for exchanges and cooperation between BRICS and other developing countries, such as promoting the formation of the greatest common divisor of BRICS+ on global issues such as climate change and sustainable development, and voicing BRICS on important occasions such as the UN to safeguard common interests. It is also necessary to give full play to the platform role of the Belt and Road initiative to expand the partnership between BRICS and co-construction countries and achieve interconnectivity and mutual benefit.

Fourth, China will leverage its own advantages to promote BRICS practical cooperation. China has its own advantages in fields such as digital economy, clean energy, modern agriculture, and climate change response. It is necessary to fully play a driving role in these fields and increase practical cooperation with BRICS partners. Actively promote the establishment of a BRICS science and technology innovation cooperation mechanism and strengthen cooperation in technology transfer and joint research and development. Further deepen cooperation with BRICS countries in digital infrastructure, digital industry, digital governance, and other fields, and work together to create new advantages in digital cooperation. It is also necessary to adhere to the concept of inclusiveness, accessibility, and sustainability, and increase development assistance to other BRICS members to inject new momentum into BRICS cooperation.

Fifth, China will focus on the long term and build a solid social foundation for BRICS people-to-people exchanges. The depth and breadth of BRICS cooperation largely depend on the foundation of public opinion. The Chinese side will promote the building of more people-to-people exchange platforms, such as BRICS media high-end forums, think tank dialogues, cultural festivals, film festivals, and sports events, to promote deeper understanding and enhance friendship among the people of BRICS  members. It is necessary to encourage more participation of youth, women, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and others in BRICS exchanges, forming a three-dimensional exchange pattern covering various fields, multiple levels, and all aspects, and gathering public opinion strength for the steady and long-term development of BRICS cooperation.

In summary, China will participate in BRICS cooperation with a more open, inclusive, and accessible attitude, promote the deepening and implementation of BRICS expansion, and together with BRICS partners, write a new chapter of unity, cooperation, and common development of the Big BRICS.