系所职称:外交学系、教育部长江讲席学者、同济大学长聘特聘A岗教授 学科方向:政治学(国际关系理论、中国外交) 研究领域:非西方国际关系理论、基层群体研究、知识人类学、中国外交 学位学历信息:哲学博士(美国丹佛大学,1988年) 联系方式:24859@tongji.edu.cn" /> 乐鱼电竞-乐鱼电竞集团有限公司官网


系所职称:外交学系、教育部长江讲席学者、同济大学长聘特聘A岗教授 学科方向:政治学(国际关系理论、中国外交) 研究领域:非西方国际关系理论、基层群体研究、知识人类学、中国外交 学位学历信息:哲学博士(美国丹佛大学,1988年) 联系方式:24859@tongji.edu.cn


























  1. 《中国女性主义国际关系研究的回顾与展望——北京、台湾两位国际关系学者的对话》,载《国际观察》2022年第2期,第128-156页

  2. 《从关系性的“亚东”到地缘性的“东亚”:冷战与台湾的解殖》,载《东南亚研究》2021年第1期,第1-18页

  3. 《国际关系中的“关系”理论与“后华性”实践》,载《东南亚研究》2020年第3期,第1-17页

  4. 《国际关系研究如何历史?——在共享文本上进行历史比较》,载《中国政治学》2019年第2期,第118-135页

  5. 《科学的国际“关系性”——天下、软实力与世界秩序》,载《国际政治研究》2019年第40卷,第3期,第38-63页

  6. 《70年来的中国发展与海外中国研究》,载《国外社会科学》2019年第6期,第61-73页

  7. 《中国研究的知识史与未来——对话政治学家》,载《中国政治学》2019年第1期,第181-203页

  8. 《中国式不干预主义:治、治理性与全球治理》,载《社会科学》2017年第3期,第3-11页

  9. 《双边外交:应对“中华帝国”指控的政治方略》,载《文化纵横》2016年第2期,第40-45页

  10. 《台湾反核最高原则是“台独”》,载《两岸关系》2014年第6期,第12-13页

  11. 《“西方中心论”与崛起后的中国——英美知识界如何评估中国模式》,载《人民论坛·学术前沿》2013年第5期,第15-24页

  12. 《新的群体政治与党的领导》,载《人民论坛》2013年第1期,第54-55页

  13. 《亚洲国家视野下的中国历史基体——兼论从日本、韩国和越南发展研究视角的可能性》,载世界经济与政治》2011年第5期,第58-76页

  14. 《国际关系研究的亚洲地方性学派》,载《国际政治科学》2010年第3期,第51-73页

  15. 《中国崛起的认识论及其叙事衍生》,载《世界经济与政治》2010年第1期,第37-51页

  16. 《中国学者改变国际中国学》,载《国际社会科学杂志(中文版)》2009年第2期,第38-39页

  17. 《印度知识界面对中国的深层视野》,载《国外社会科学》2009年第1期,第122-126页

  18. 《进出现代性:亚洲立场的有与无》,载《世界经济与政治》2007年第2期,第15-22页

  19. 《日本近代中国学:知识可否解放身份》,载《中国社会科学》2007年第1期,第168-178页

  20. 《回到亚洲?——日本认识中国崛起的思想基础》,载《世界经济与政治》2006年第4期,第27-34页

  21. 《知识观光:中国研究的知识伦理框架》,载《社会科学》2006年第2期,第166-179页

  22. 《英国学派与两岸国际关系研究》,载《国际政治科学》2005年第1期,第132-148页


  1. “Fluid Population, Fixed Territory: Fantasizing a Non-solution to the US-China-Taiwan Status Quo,” International Journal of China Studies , 2024.

  2. “The Mission of Relational IR and the Translation of the Chinese Relational School,” International Politics, 2024.

  3. “A Relational Analysis of Exceptionalism: Connecting Liberalism to Confucian Multilateralism and Emotion,”Chinese Journal of International Politics , Vol.17, No.3, 2024.

  4. “Ontological Security Dilemma: A Practical Model of Relational Deterrence,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 29, No.2, 2024.

  5. “Writing ‘Revisionist China’: The Political Thought Dimension of the China Threat,” China Review, Vol.24, No.1, 2024.

  6. “The Quest for Post-Chineseness Among Chinese Indonesian Intellectuals: An Intellectual History Agenda,” Issues & Studies. Vol.59, No.3, 2023.

  7. “Loving Hong Kong: Unity and Solidarity in the Politics of Belonging,” Telos Spring, No.202, 2023.

  8. “Strategizing Femininity between the Global and the Taiwanese Local: Implications for International Relations,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol.23, No.1, 2023.

  9. The Quest for Post-Chineseness Among Chinese Indonesian Intellectuals: An Intellectual History Agenda, Issues & Studies, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2023.

  10. Ontological Security Dilemma: A Practical Model of Relational Deterrence, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2023.

  11. Loving Hong Kong: Unity and Solidarity in the Politics of Belonging, Telos, Spring 2023.

  12. Strategizing Femininity between the Global and the Taiwanese Local: Implications for International Relations, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2023.

  13. Role and Relation in Confucian IR: Relating to Strangers in the State of Nature, Review of International Studies, Vol. 48, No. 5, 2022.

  14. Did ‘America First’ Construct America Irrelevance?, International Studies Perspective, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2021.

  15. A Relational Reflection on Pandemic Nationalism , Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2021.

  16. Post-Chinese, Post-Western, and Post-Asian Relations: Engaging a Pluriversal East Asia, China Report, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2021.

  17. Community of Common Destiny as Post-Western Regionalism: Rethinking China’s Belt and Road Initiative from a Confucian Perspective, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 18, No. 70, 2021.

  18. Engendering International Relations of Shanghai: The Metaphor of Cheongsam and the Construction of Post-Western Identities, International Politics, Vol. 58, No. 5, 2021.

  19. Friendship in Chinese International Relations: The Confucian Theme of Distance in Practice, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2020.

  20. Knowing ‘China’ through a Religious Lens: Engagement, Self-fulfillment, Scholarship, International Journal of China Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020.

  21. The Cold War and Decolonization in East Asia, Asian Perspectives, 2020.

  22. Re-Worlding China: Notorious Tianxia, Critical Relationality, E-International, Sep 2, 2020.

  23. Beyond China’s Threat: The Contextual Theology of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, International Journal of China Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020.

  24. COVID-19, Democracies, and (De)Colonialities, Democratic Theory, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020.

  25. The Cold War and Decolonization in East Asia, Asian Perspectives, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2020.

  26. From ‘Asia’s East’ to ‘East Asia’: Aborted Decolonization of Taiwan in the Cold-War Discourse, Asian Perspectives, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2020.

  27. Competing for a Better Role Relation: International Relations, Sino-US Rivalry and the Game of Weiqi, The Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2020.

  28. Knowledge as Civilizational Role Play: China Watching by Its Southern Neighbours, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2019.

  29. Thinking Bilaterally, Acting Unilaterally: Placing China’s Institutional Style in Relational International Relations, China: An International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2019.

  30. Confronting China in an Asymmetric Relationship: The Case of Peace Efficacy in Taiwan, China Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2019.

  31. Re-worlding the 'West' in Post-Western IR: The Reception of Sun Zi’s The Art of War in the Anglosphere, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2018.

  32. Identities in Sino-Pakistani ‘Iron Brotherhood’: Theoretical Implications beyond the Economic Corridor, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2018.

  33. Oral History of China Studies in Italy, Rivista Degli Studi Orientali (Journal of Oriental Studies), Vol. 90, No. 2, 2018.

  34. Hong Kong’s Perspective on China: Reflections on Intellectual History, China Report, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2018.

  35. Christianity, Anti-Communism, and Civilisational Sensibilities of the China News Analysis: Catholic Sinology vs. Catholic Sinologists, Rivista di Studi Orientali (Journal of Oriental Studies), Vol. 90, No. 2, 2018.

  36. Significance of Hong Kong’s Perspective on China: Reflections on Intellectual History and Post-hybridity, China Report, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2018.

  37. Positioning China Watch: Is it Just Hong Kong?, China Report, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2018.

  38. Post-Chineseness as Epistemology: Identities and Scholarship on China in the Philippines, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 19, 2018.

  39. Understanding China as Practicing Post-Chineseness Selected Cases of Vietnamese Scholarship, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2018.

  40. The Relational Turn East and West: From Chinese Confucianism to Balance of Relationships, Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2017.

  41. From Nothingness to Great Sympathy: Chinese Non-interventionism from Buddhist Perspectives, QUEST: Studies on Religion and Culture in Asia, Vol. 2, 2017.

  42. Transcending Hegemonic International Relations Theorization: Nothingness, Re-Worlding, and Balance of Relationship, All Azimuth, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2017.

  43. The Rise of China Between Cultural and Civilizational Relationalities: Lessons from Four Qing Cases, International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2017.

  44. Affirmative Balance of the Singapore-Taiwan Relationship: The Bilateral Perspective on the Relational Turn of International Relations, International Studies Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2016.

  45. International Relations of Post-hybridity: Dangers and Potentials in Non-Synthetic Cycles, Globalizations, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2016.

  46. Between a subject and an object: representation of China in Kuo Pao-kun’s Singapore and Denny Yung’s Hong Kong, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2015.

  47. The Beauty of Being Accurate, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2015.

  48. China’s Quest for Grand Strategy: Power, National Interest, or Relational Security, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2015.

  49. Relations and Balances: Self-restraint and Democratic Governability under Confucianism, Pacific Focus, Vol. 29, No. 3, December 2014.

  50. Being Sinologists in Post-Communist-party States: Reflections from Czech, Poland and Russia, Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 19, October 2014.

  51. Being Sinologists in Post-Communist Party States, The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, No. 19, 2014.

  52. Mongolia: Civilization, Nationality, and Ethnicity, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2014.

  53. Doing Sinology in Former Socialist States: Czech, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, The China Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2014.

  54. Understanding China from Southeast Asia, East Asia, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2014.

  55. Rights, Governance and Ethnicity in Asia, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2014.

  56. Doing Sinology in Former Socialist States: Reflections from Czech, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, The China Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2014.

  57. Surging between China and Russia: Legacies, Politics, and Return of Sinology in Contemporary Mongolia, The China Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2014.

  58. Two Intellectual Paths That Cross the Borders: Nguyen Huy Quy, Phan Van Cac, and Humanities in Vietnam’s Chinese Studies, East Asia, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2014.

  59. Introduction: Humanity and Pragmatism Transcending Borders, East Asia, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2014.

  60. China, China Scholarship, and China Scholars in Postcolonial Taiwan, China: An International Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, April 2014.

  61. An Introduction to Asian Ethnicity’s Special Issue on Ethnicities, Governance, and Human Rights, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 15, No. 2, March 2014.

(二)著  作


  1. 《国际政治学的关系理论与中国》,台北:中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2021年

  2. 《贫穷的政治学;湘西与广西民族地区的贫困问题》,台北:翰芦出版社2008年

  3. 《日本近代性与中国:在世界现身的策略》,台北:鼎文出版社2008年

  4. 《身份政治──偶然性、能动者与情境》,高雄:中山大学出版社2006年

  5. 《社会科学知识新论:文化研究立场十评》,北京:北京大学出版社2005年

  6. 《族国之间:中国西南民族的身分策略》,台北:扬智出版社2004年

  7. 《台湾最后一位保守政治家──沈昌焕在复兴基地的见证》,台北:翰芦出版社2003年

  8. 《政治文化与政治人格》,台北:扬智出版社2003年

  9. 《社会科学方法新论》,台北:五南出版社2005年

  10. 《后现代的政治知识》,台北:元照出版社2002年

  11. 《政治学的知识脉络》,台北:五南出版社2001年

  12. 《文明冲突与中国》,台北:五南出版社2000年


  1. 《后冷战时期的中朝外交:关系、角色、认同》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2020年

  2. 《中华文明的反共叙事:耶稣会《中国新闻分析》》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2015年

  3. 《谁的中国?谁的模式?普遍性与特殊性之辩》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2014年

  4. 《澳洲省级中国研究议程与古德曼的中国认识》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2014年

  5. 《蒙古的汉学与中国研究──简史、分期与人物》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2014年

  6. 《恢复朝贡关系中的主体──韩国学者全海宗与李春植的中国研究》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2012年

  7. 《入江昭对世界与中国的立场──一种多元身分的知识视野》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2010年

  8. 《不是东方──日本中国认识中的自我与欧洲性》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2009年

  9. 《似曾相敌──天安门事件后在美国与台湾的中国印象》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2009年

  10. 《日本视野影响下的台湾意识:青年蔡培火的身分策略,从大正到昭和》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2007年

  11. 《中日合群?日本知识界论争「中国崛起的近代源流」》,台北:台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心2007年

  12. 《当代政治学的新范畴:性别、论述、认同》,台北:翰芦出版社2001年


  1. Confucian Governmentality and Socialist Autocracy in Contemporary China: "People’s Hearts" as the Regime of Regimes, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2024

  2. Relations and Roles in China’s Internationalism: Rediscovering Confucianism in the Pluriversal World, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2024

  3. Post-Chineseness: Cultural Politics and International Relations, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2022

  4. Eros of International Relations: Self-feminizing and the Claiming of Postcolonial Chineseness, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2022

  5. China and International Theory: The Balance of Relationships (first author), London: Routledge, 2019

  6. Post-Western International Relations Re-considered: The Premodern Politics of Gongsun Long (co-authored), London: Palgrave, 2015

  7. Harmonious Intervention: China’s Quest for Relational Security (co-authored), Surrey: Ashgate, 2014

  8. Sinicizing International Relations: Self, Civilization and Intellectual Politics of Subaltern East Asia, London: Palgrave, 2013 (Ministry of Education Lifetime National Chair Award)

  9. Civilization, Modernity, and Nation in East Asia, London: Routledge: 2012

  10. Democracy Made in Taiwan: The "Success State" as a Political Theory, Lanham: Lexington Press, 2007

  11. Autonomy, Ethnicity and Poverty in Southwestern China: The State Turned Upside Down, London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007

  12. Navigating Sovereignty: World Politics Lost in China, London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2003. (Ministry of Science & Technology Excellence Award)

  13. Negotiating Ethnicity in China: Citizenship as a Response to the State, New York: Routledge, 2002 (Ministry of Education National Chair Award)

  14. Reform, Identity, and Chinese Foreign Policy, Taipei: Vanguard Foundation, 2000

  15. Collective Democracy: The Political and Legal Reform in China (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, together with Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999). (Ministry of Education Scholarship Award)

  16. State and Society in China’s Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of China's Socialist Reform, Boulder: Lynne Rienner 1995.

  17. Symbolic War: The Chinese Use of Force, 1840-1980 (co-author), Taipei: Institute of International Relations, 1993

  18. China's Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy, Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1993.

  19. The Spirit of Chinese Foreign Policy: A Psycho-cultural View, (London: Macmillan 1990


  1. Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revolution: Reinterpreting Ideologies and Ideological Reinterpretations, Singapore: World Scientific, 2023

  2. Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revolution: Micro Intellectual History through De-central Lenses, Singapore: World Scientific, 2023

  3. Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Studies of China and Chineseness: Unlearning Binaries, Strategizing Self, Singapore: World Scientific, 2020

  4. China Studies in the Philippines: Intellectual Paths and the Formation of a Field, London: Routledge, 2019

  5. China Studies in South and Southeast Asia: Between Pro-China and Objectivism, Singapore: World Scientific, 2019

  6. From Sinology to Post-Chineseness: Intellectual Histories of China, Chinese People and Chinese Civilization, Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press, 2017

  7. Producing China in Southeast Asia – Knowledge, Identity and Migrant Chineseness, Singapore: Springer Nature, 2017

  8. Post-Communist Sinology in Transformation: Views from the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland, and Russia, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press of Hong Kong, 2016

  9. Understanding 21st Century China in Buddhist Asia: History, Modernity and International Relations, Bangkok: Asia Research Center, Chulalongkorn University, 2016

  10. Re-producing Chineseness in Southeast Asia: Scholarship and Identity in Comparative Perspectives, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, 2015

  11. Multicultural China: A Statistical Year Book (Co-ed.), New York: Springer, 2014

  12. Borderland Politics in Northern India, Exon: Routledge, 2014

  13. Tibetan Studies in Comparative Perspectives (co-ed.), London: Routledge, 2012

  14. On India By China: From Civilization to Nation State (co-ed.), New York: Cambria, 2012

  15. 《はじめに──戦后日本の中国研究》(合编),东京:平凡社,2010.